“He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.” ― Lao Tzu”
What is personal branding and why should care? What is a Personal Brand?
Personal Branding is about:
Who you are – what you’re like as a person and,
How you behave – how you impact on the world
The first drives your ambition, your purpose; the second is how you achieve it.
Together they determine how people see & experience you: Your personal brand.
If you don’t know your personal brand – who you and what you stand for, how do you make choices on what to do next with your life? How do you make life-changing decisions? How do you sell yourself, eg, to a prospective employer?
These are the questions you need to ask yourself. If you struggle with direction and taking the next step in life, then perhaps you need to anchor what you do and where you go in who you really are.
And for that, you need to develop your personal brand. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Well it should be, but for many people, just like you, it’s not.
At Positive Bubble Personal Branding, we take many years experience creating and managing brands for companies, and using what we have learnt have to created a step by step process for anyone to develop their own personal brand.
The process involves a series of exercises and techniques that covers things such as identifying your values, your competencies, your personality, what you stand for or would fight for, what makes you different and so much more.
As the process unfolds we will build together an accurate picture of who you really are. Why should you care about having a personal brand?
Your Personal Brand is your exclusive intellectual property – no one else can have it, can authentically copy it, can steal from it you.
It is yours and yours alone. It distinguishes you in the world. Gives you purpose and the confidence to make decisions. Motivation to pursue goals. Gratitude and appreciation for what you have and what you can give. It unites all the disparate parts that comprise your ‘self’.
That unity, that oneness is a force to be reckoned with. It will be the rudder that steers your life in the direction that is right for you, giving you control over what you want to do, where you want to go and how to achieve those things.
That makes it a very powerful resource for you to draw on. It will be the engine of your growth. It will empower you to create an even better version of yourself. It will be the foundation upon which you will be able to renovate the different areas of your life – from career and finances and relationships to creativity and, health and fitness.
Get in touch today by emailing info@positivebubble.com to discover how Positive Bubble can help you build your personal brand.